MPW Ecosystem

Improve your Quality of Life, straight away

For your better life a whole Tools Ecosystem

With our research we have identified many economic weaknesses that penalize people's lives.

For each we have defined a solution and a tool that can be used by anyone.

The set of our tools constitutes an ecosystem that people can take advantage of with a single subscription so that they can constantly pursue their well-being.

MPW provides simple tools, suitable for everyone so that everyone can improve their life, having at every stage all the money they need to live better. 




AREA - 120 - MPW Direct Contribution

TOOL - 120-1 - $urplus Program (word of mouth solution = more income, monthly)

TOOL - 120.2 - $urplus Movement 2024

TOOL - 120-3 - Daytrading BestStock Bulletin

AREA - 130 - Achieving Goals

TOOL - 130.1 - My Accountability Partner

AREA - 140 - Active Income

TOOL - 140.1 - My Active INcome

TOOL - 140.2 - Growth Business Essentials

TOOL - 140.3 - Opportunities

AREA - 150 - Live on Income

TOOL - 151.1 - Early Retirement Goal

TOOL - 151.2 - Longevity Risk Update

AREA - 160 - Passive Income

TOOL - 160.1 - Cashback Navigator

TOOL - 160.2 - Other Passive Income

AREA - 170 - Physical Wellbeing

TOOL - 170.1 - My Healthy Longevity

TOOL - 170.2 - Essentials for a Growing Life

AREA - 180 - QoL Protection

TOOL - 180.1 - My Long & Quality Life

TOOL - 180.2 - Full Stack QoL

TOOL - 180.3 - Holistic Life & Longevity Plan

AREA - 190 - Lifelong Learning

TOOL - 190.1 - My Update

TOOL - 190.2 - Worldwide Digest

AREA - 200 - Wealthy

TOOL - 200.1 - My Portfolio Income

TOOL - 200.2 - My Wealthy Longevity


It brings together all the functional tools to recover and ensure economic autonomy for women.

It brings together all the tools that facilitate the construction of a strong future.

It brings together all the tools useful to those already retired or about to retire.

MPW Economic Well-Being Booster